Do you feel economic downturns, saw the beauty industry is booming, and want to have a skill? This course allows you to learn professional butterfly facial threading and beauty skill, allowing you to become a professional beautician.
挽面雖有悠久的歷史,但因時代進步與文化因素,這個行業在大家的印象中似乎已成為街頭小技。有人說:「生命不經淬練是無法體驗其中的酸、甜、苦、辣」 。生命的價值在於體悟蛻變的過程,就像美麗的蝴蝶在蛻變前只是不起眼的毛毛蟲。
Dec 6th
Apr 24th
Feb 18th
The threading students experience sharing
Introduced by a friend that day, I started to learn harness and teacher Annie face, for a middle-aged divorced and unemployed single mother, helplessn... Read More →